15th Vintage Slot Meeting - Turin 2004
by Ezio Scisco
Also be sure to see
Ezio's Website!
The Vintage Slot Meeting in Turin, held May 2, 2004, is the most classical
and well-known appointment in the field of Slot.
The meeting of the year 2004 in fact is the 15th edition.
The stock exchange [swap meet] takes place on Sunday morning. Participation and the tables are free,
and according to tradition, this event precedes the actual meeting.
This year subject is Sports and G.T. cars.
The spirit, the meaning of this meeting is the gathering of scale racing slot models, 1:24 and 1:32 scales,
which are the most exact and accurate copy of the original. The scratch built models may take part,
but will suffer a penalty.
The meeting is divided into two parts: The Presentation Contest (with the voting of all participants)
and the race. The position in the Presentation Contest is awarded with double marks,
in comparison to the race results.
Page 1: Let's Look at the Cars! (below)
Page 2:
Pictures of the Participants
Page 3:
Rules, List of Winners and List of Past Winners