Steve Okeefe: Group 20 Anglewinder
Steve Okeefe starts the New Year off right, by contributing images of
his vintage racing chassis! Thanks, Steve! --Jim Allen
Steve writes:
"This is a group 20 chassis from early 1970. Stable, reliable, predictable,
and well balanced, it performed just about anywhere you chose to race it, and was
just plain fun to drive. I built at least a dozen copies for other racers."
"Aside from the unequal diameter main rails, .047" inner and .055" outer, the secret,
I believe, was the .078" diameter half rails. The prevailing theory at the time was
that the chassis had to be as flexible as possible forward of the drop arm hinge,
and as stiff as possible from the drop arm hinge to the rear axle.
To improve strength and reliability in the drop arm hinge, the inner main rails bend up
immediately behind the hinge tube to support it, and are themselves backed up by an .025"
brass strip that spans the chassis center section."
"The 'radio antenna' on the left floppy is actually a support that kept the body from
flexing and hitting the left rear tire in the main banked turn."