Jeff Hails: Three 1/32 Chassis
Jeff Hails sends along these pictures of
three 1/32 scale chassis he built. Thanks, Jeff!
Jeff writes: (continued from previous page)
I shared a lot of info with people on alt.hobbies.slotcars,
and there are a few people out there still interested on "rolling their own."
I regret that I haven't saved all the stuff I've built over the years.
I guess I suffer from the typical racer syndrome - last year's race car is just an old car!
I lost the interest in serious racing with the advent of EDM and laser cut steel chassis -
takes too much of the fun out of it. The recent revival in 1/32 home track slots
got my interest back, and most of what I've built lately has been on the smaller scale.
I'm looking forward to keeping the interest alive.