Team Spirit Iso Chassis
Item: 1/24 scale iso anglewinder frame
Date collected: Jan 16, 2002
Made by: Gary Hopkins (Texas)
Made when: 1982
The Jan/Feb 2003 Chassis of the Month!
This Group 15 chassis was built by Gary Hopkins to
compete in the 1982 Texas Invitational, in Fort Worth.
Barry Smith of Team Spirit drove it to second place, among 32 entries.
Barry Smith writes that the original Team Spirit was active
in Texas from 1978-86. Team Spirit was revived in Portland in the 1990s,
racing stock Flexis, with
the line-up Barry Smith, Terry Smith (brother), and Justin Smith (son).
Today, Barry Smith designs and
produces custom diecast cars and motorcycles, at his company,
Liberty Customs. Check 'em out!