Highlights from Jack Beers' Slot Car Collection:
1964 Ferrari F1
Jack writes:
"This is a 1964 Ferrari F1 body on an Associated brass tube chassis. The motor is an FT16 can drive unit
and the directional arrow scratched on the can makes me think it's a rewind. Pretty quick, too!
As I received the car, it was pretty shabby. The body is nowhere near as good as it looks in the pictures -
I just lucked out with the photo angle. I picked out a few details and cut some numbers from stencil material,
but it's no looker.
The frame has been torn down completely, cleaned up, polished and reassembled. When I first got it,
the drop arm had been resoldered to the top of the chassis. The only changes have been new rear tires
and the addition of that V-shaped piece of wire above the guide flag to hold the flag lower in the slot. Also,
I painted up an old Revell driver and dropped him in place, too.
The car handles pretty well, now. An interesting detail is the sliding tube mount for the drop arm that enables the builder
to adjust the flag fore and aft once the wheelbase has been determined. Notice also - there are no body mounts.
The body merely slips onto the frame (and stays there!)"