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HO Scratchbuilding in the Vintage Magazines, pg. 2
by Jim Allen, June 2004
HO scale "screwdriver scratchbuilding" began in 1968, when Carl Dreher
bolted a brass pan to the bottom of his T-Jet in national competition.
The idea grew like wildfire, and by mid-1969, LeGanke and Mini-Wheels, followed by
Phaze III, Mura, Champion and AJ's, all offered brass pans designed to run underneath
the commercial Aurora T-Jet 500 chassis.
Jack Ayers devoted major parts of two columns to the HO T-Jet brass pan phenomenon,
in Car Model July and September, 1969. He weighed each pan and tested them on his custom Lola. Handling
pans were a major improvement in T-Jet performance, but Aurora was soon to be blown away by another company's
brass-panned products, already in the pipeline.
LeGanke pan on my Aurora Cheetah.
LeGanke product news in Car Model, July 1969.
Mini-Wheels - no picture - Can someone provide a picture?
Jack Ayers says the Mini-Wheels handling pan looks like the Phaze III pan (CM 09-69)
Mura Car Model, Aug. 1969
Phaze III HO Plate (center) Car Model, July 1969
Champion Car Model, Sept. 1969
Champion Car Model, Dec. 1969
AJ's Car Model, April, 1970
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