Highlights from Jack Beers' Slot Car Collection:
Two Vintage Kirkwood Chassis
Jack writes:
"These two I found in a box of priceless memorabilia (junk) in my garage.
I really didn't know what I was letting myself in for when I started cleaning them up!
I believe they were manufactured by a firm called Kirkwood, undoubtedly around 1965-66. They are
two variations on the same theme: both units are designed for the FT16 motor,
but the mounting method differs - one uses a sliding plate and the other a screw retainer setup.
Also you'll notice they're designed for the small-post flag, probably the Revell unit.
This turned into a real hair-puller of a job because when the frames are totally disassembled,
the component parts are so fragile. When rebuilt, they are surprisingly strong,
but wow - what a job that was!"