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 vintage hand-made
  brass slot car chassis

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I am using this section of to document my own collection of over 100 vintage handmade slotcar chassis. Comments are welcome! - Jim Allen

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Plumbered Brass Pan Chassis
50. Plumbered Brass Pan Chassis

Made from widely available Parma parts.

Plumbered Brass Pan Chassis
51. Plumbered Brass Pan Chassis

Made from widely available Parma parts.

Shuttle Chassis
52. Shuttle Chassis by RPM for Wing cars

Imported under a variety of names, JK, RPM, ProSlot, etc

Tripod Chassis
53. Tripod Chassis by RPM for Wing cars

Imported under a variety of names, JK, RPM, ProSlot, etc

54. Team Spirit Iso Chassis

The January 2003 Chassis of the Month

55. 1/32 Brass Pan Anglewinder Chassis

Packs a lot into a small space!
NEW Pictures! (Feb 2004)

Cobra or Phaze III
56. Cobra or Phaze III Brass Rod GT Chassis

The April 2003 Chassis of the Month

Black Ferret
57. The Black Ferret

The February 2004 Chassis of the Month

Unusual materials
58. Unusual materials: Embossed Sheet Aluminum

Lightweight, cheap, easy to cut, file and fold; but sheet aluminum never caught on as a scratchbuilder's material.

Two motors
59. Two motors in a wire chassis

Must be about 1965 or '66.

Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 is copyright 2002 by Jim Allen of